Graphene Airdrop Instructions

7 min readOct 12, 2021


This guide provides instructions for redeeming GFN tokens on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) for holders of Phore as of the snapshot dates. There will be six airdrops corresponding to the six snapshot dates, and the same process can be used for each airdrop once it becomes available.

This guide is designed to use the Metamask wallet and the makeairdropfile RPC command that was released with the Phore Core Wallet v1.7.1.

Step 1: Download and install the Phore Core Wallet v1.7.1.

This version of the Phore Core Wallet is needed to generate a file that proves ownership of Phore as of the snapshot blocks, and allows you to specify the BSC address to send the GFN tokens to so that the file cannot be used by anyone else to send the GFN tokens elsewhere.

If there have been any newer releases since v1.7.1, you can also use the newer versions, but v1.7.1 is the minimum required version for this procedure. You can download v1.7.1 of the wallet here:

The release are also available through the links on the Phore website here:

Do not download any Phore wallets from other places than the official Phore GitHub or the Phore website.

Once you have downloaded the wallet, install it as you normally would.

Step 2: Install and configure Metamask

To perform the GFN token redemption, you will need to have Metamask installed as a browser extension, and have some BNB to pay for the gas fees for the redemption smart contract. If you already have Metamask installed and configured for the BSC mainnet, you can skip this step.

First, you can download Metamask here:

Install Metamask into the browser of your choice. Next, create a new wallet using a seed phrase.

Set up your password, and store your seed phrase in secure location, ideally offline.

Next, you will need to switch the connected blockchain by clicking on the tab saying Main Ethereum Network. From there you need to add the Binance Smart Chain network.

Scroll down until you find Custom RPC.

Enter in the BSC mainnet details as follows:

Click Save.

Step 3: Generate airdrop redemption file

Launch your Phore Core Wallet. If you are using the Phore Qt wallet, choose Tools -> Debug console. If you are using phored, you can use the phore-cli command with makeairdropfile. Here is the help text for the makeairdropfile command that you will use to generate the airdrop redemption file:

The first argument is the BSC address you want your GFN tokens sent to. This is your address from Metamask, which can be copied by clicking on the area underneath BSC Mainnet as pictured below. If you want to create a new address in Metamask to store your GFN tokens you can do so using the Metamask interface by first clicking the circle in the upper right corner, and Selecting Create Account, and then selecting that account before copying the BSC address.

The second argument is the airdrop number, which refers to which of the six airdrops you are redeeming tokens for. For the first airdrop this would be 1, the second would be 2, etc.

The last argument is the filename, which can either be just the filename or can be a complete path. If you only enter a filename, the file will be created in your Phore data directory, which can be located using the Phore troubleshooting FAQ under Q3:

Otherwise, you can enter a complete path, for example if you are using Windows you can type C:\airdrop1.txt, or if you are using OSX you can type /Users/<username>/airdrop1.txt (replacing <username> with your user name).

Unlock your wallet, and then type in the makeairdropfile command with your information to generate your airdrop file. The file will contain signed messages for each of your wallet addresses, which also contain the destination BSC address so that the file can only be used to send the GFN tokens to that address. This file will then be uploaded to the Phore Graphene Airdrop website to redeem your GFN tokens.

If you are using phored, the procedure is the same except that instead of the debug console you would use the command line and type phore-cli before makeairdropfile (see example in red above).

Step 4: Send BNB to the BSC Account being used for redemption.

As previously mentioned, you will need to some BNB in your Metamask wallet to run the smart contract that redeems your GFN tokens. The amount of BNB you will need varies based on how many addresses you are redeeming. In almost all cases this would be less than 1 BNB and possibly far less. The specific amount can’t be given here precisely as the gas cost also varies based on how busy the BSC network is at the time of redemption. If you aren’t sure how much BNB you will need, you can run through the entire procedure and Metamask will show you an estimate of how much BNB is needed, and then you can send that amount to your Metamask wallet and continue the process.

Step 5: Launch Airdrop Website

The URL for the Phore Graphene Airdrop Website is: Launch that site in the web browser that has Metamask installed.

Step 6: Follow the website instructions to redeem your GFN tokens

6a. Connect Metamask

Click the Connect button to connect your Metamask wallet to the airdrop website. Select the account that matches what you used with the makeairdropfile command. Once it is connected, click Continue.

6b. Upload Phore proof of ownership file

You can either drag and drop the airdrop file you created, or click Browse for File and choose the file to upload it to the airdrop website. Once the file is uploaded, click Continue.

6c. Verify GFN tokens to be redeemed

This step will display a Pre-Airdrop Summary that tells you which Phore addresses the airdrop system has validated from your airdrop file as having balances on the snapshot block, and how many GFN tokens will be redeemed for each address. If any of the lines show “false” under the Valid for Redemption column, that means there was a problem validating the signed message for that address. Once you have reviewed the results and are ready to redeem your GFN tokens, click Continue

6d. Redeem GFN tokens

At this point the airdrop website will launch your Metamask wallet and ask you to confirm the BSC smart contract transaction to redeem your GFN tokens. It will display the BSC gas cost for the transaction, and assuming you have enough BNB in your account, it will allow you to click Confirm to execute the transaction.

Step 7: Import GFN token into Metamask

To see your GFN balance in Metamask, you will need to import the configuration for the GFN token contract into your Metamask wallet.

First, in Metamask click the Assets tab.

Scroll down to the bottom and click Import tokens.

Type in the GFN token smart contract address into the Token Contract Address field. The GFN Token Symbol and decimal should populate automatically. Click Add Custom Token and you should see your GFN balance.


At this point your GFN token redemption is complete. You can repeat the same process for each of the six airdrops as it is deployed to BSC — it takes time for us to make sure the addresses and balances to be redeemed are correct for each snapshot, and as of this writing that is still in progress for airdrops 2–6.

If you held PHR in the Android mobile wallet during the snapshot blocks, those balances are also eligible for the airdrops, and you will be able to redeem them as long as you have your seed words for your mobile wallet. The procedure for redeeming them would be the same as outlined above, with the added step at the beginning of the process of temporarily installing a Phore Core desktop wallet on a PC, and instead of creating a new wallet, use the Restore option to restore your addresses with your mobile wallet seed words. If you need more detailed instructions for this, or if you encounter any other issues with the GFN token redemption process, please reach out to the Phore team and we will provide you with further assistance.

We can be reached at the Phore Discord or on the Phore Telegram channel. If you are not already familiar with them, links to those can be found on the Phore website at




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