Graphene Snapshot One — Details

2 min readMar 8, 2021


Graphene is a next-generation Blockchain architecture that makes use of the CASPER staking consensus protocol, being developed by the Phore Blockchain team. The architecture is currently in late-stage development and is written in Go.

There are to be Six (6) Snapshots in total. March 14th represents Snapshot One (1).

Airdrop Information — Snapshot One

A Snapshot will be taken of Phore Blockchain balances on March 14th at 23:59pm GMT.

Addresses containing a PHR balance at this time will be eligible for the Graphene Airdrop at a rate of 1.66GFN per 1PHR.

Personal Wallets

The Phore Blockchain and Graphene teams recommend that PHR is stored in a personal wallet where you have control of your own private keys.

Phore users who hold PHR in personal desktop wallets will be eligible for the Graphene airdrop.

Phore users who hold PHR in Android wallets will be eligible for the Graphene airdrop. Android users will need access to a desktop computer and your wallet seed words to redeem Graphene tokens — this to prove ownership of PHR addresses that cannot be done from within a mobile wallet.


The following exchanges have confirmed their support for the Graphene airdrop:

Other exchanges, including LATOKEN, Crex24, and Graviex are yet to give confirm whether or not they will support the airdrop. We will be in contact with all unconfirmed parties over the next week and will submit any change of status in this article.

Stay tuned for more Graphene related updates!

For now — Visit and to learn more about Graphene.

Follow the Graphene Twitter account here!

Join the Graphene Discord here & Telegram here!




Scalable sharding Blockchain written in Go. Smart Contracts, Dapps, DeFi. Interoperable. Customized shards optimized for different use cases. Do it all.